Such a pleasure to see you here :)


Warm and Cozy Welcome to our Art Studio! Take a closer look at what we can offer to such an interesting person :)


Take a look :)

Available Courses and Extras

7 Weeks of Discoveries and Building Art Skills

You are sure that you want to excel in your art adventure, and you want a solid foundation and understanding of art. Here's a perfect course for you that will train you to search for and see the ways to improve your artworks.

You will get the 7 Week "Sketch the Moment" Course with about 15 hours of video tutorials, supporting reference materials, exercises and assessments, access to our vibrant LevArt Community and a copy of our handbook "Sketch the Moment"

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4 Weeks of Humble & Joyful Watercolour Pencils

Not sure how to start your art journey? Not sure what to use and what it is that you like: sketching, colours, using brushes or pencils? SO many questions... Here's a great place to start.

We will journey through captivating lessons and exercises. From serene lake landscapes to vibrant sunsets, charming birds, and charismatic cats – you'll craft stunning masterpieces with humble and inexpensive watercolour pencils. By the end of the course, you will know the answers to all your questions above, and so much more :)

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Piano Lessons like No Other


What if you are interested in a completely different thing? Have you ever dreamt about playing piano and producing music?  - Check out our  wonderful and unique piano lessons that will teach you ow to play, improvise and create your own music right away from the first lessons.

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Your art adventure has started already! :)

It truly did, there's no question about it, since you are already here and wondering what to do next. 

With our offered courses and lessons we follow agile principals and our unique LevArt Method. We do know what we can teach and we know well how to coach and help you. YOU ARE OUR STAR!

Your art or music adventure is yours. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to shoot Katerina an email, to [email protected]